Monday, April 6, 2009

17KM - 7KM ! 10KM aje

Yo yo.....we ran about 10KM last Saturday morning. Well, not actually the entire way...I think we probably ran about 6KM before walking towards the Bkt Aman car park. Thanks to everyone that came...EatingDimSum, MiloAisChaser, Smallbug.

Honestly, most of us were tired. I arrived home from work at 10pm on Friday. By the time I showered and had my dinner, it was already 10.40pm. I couldn't sleep as I was still too full...ended up sleeping around 12am. Furthermore, MiloAisChaser wasn't feeling well. So we all decided to walk.

But I was actually surprised being able to wake up at 4.00am and prepare my meal before the run. haha..Lawak

Seasoned the chicken breast fillet. 2 Eggs + cheese

My pre run meal :D

The good stuff..YUMMY

Till the next run, eat and rest well!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whoa..lack of updates.. Run Run

Posted by Metalfreak:

Yo yo...really sorry. I've been busy with work and personal agenda. Lack of updates!!!! I'm happy that a friend in office has started running. Be it running for fun or health reason, it was fun running with him. After all, short distances are nice to run once in awhile to take a break from all the long runs. Plus he is always fun to be around with...lame ass f'ker :D

I'll use his nick. CATMILK! Maw Nai! hahahaha. So Welcome aboard CatMilk. *meow*

Plans for this weekend?

Meet up at Bkt Aman Car Park at 6.00am to do a 21KM run? Might be 15KM but doesn't matter.


Location: Bkt Aman Car Park...try to come early so you can park at the toilet area(Not in the toilet la diu!). Its safer as its well lit.
Time: 6.30am. So try to leave your place around...say...6.10am or so.

See you there!

ps: I hope I can be there myself LOL. I'm on tentative mode :)